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Winter Solstice

Oh I have been writing this blog in my head for the past few days and realized that today, being winter solstice is the time to do it. Today, I actually felt content and calm not being in the studio for 8 hours. It has been a crazy pottery year. I can't even just say a few weeks, or month, but really the past year. I am grateful for all the support of my craft and patience as people wait for their orders in this crazy time.

Now don't get me wrong, I was in my studio today firing both kilns one after another as I am finishing up orders. I have everything thrown, plus and the kilns are doing their magic and all the pieces will be getting sent out in the next few days. When I say sent out, Canada Post, Purolator, and myself will be delivering. I truly need to think of something special for my Canada Post ladies here in Wynyard as they sort and sort and sort! The delivery systems in our society have truly been making miracles happen for so many.

So the shortest day and longest night provide me great time for reflection this year. I decided that I would go online in 2020 and offer up my product online, as well as at the highway store and I barely have words for the success this move has provided. I also decided that I would set aside some time to work on a personal project in my studio and take December 7 - January 7th off from creating for the two stores. Well that idea was sent out into the universe and it came back and hit me upside the head and said "this is a busy time, you can't take a holiday from your studio" So I have been running both kilns nearly daily for the past month, throwing, trimming, and answering messages about their pottery.

Today I feel like I can breathe, I can enjoy my work rather than just rushing through the motions, and I can hope that everyone can understand that I am one artist. My highway store seems to be made for the pandemic, as it is operated on the honour system and it isn't air tight (so kinda outside space). Shipping so many packages has been difficult as my good friend who helps with packing all the time, could not come in because of protocols. So I have become the shipper, the organizer of orders as I continue to create and try and keep all orders straight in my head. So the picture for todays blog is of me after a crazy season of trying to keep up with the growth of my pottery business, while teaching half time in an elementary school following all protocols as I am in contact with every student in the building. That is just my professional life...there is the family and sleep!

Please know this isn't me complaining about everything, but I am pretty proud of what I have been able to accomplish as an artist during a global pandemic and hope that everyone can find the joy in what they do. I love my career of a potter, and am thankful that I am able to do it during such a strange time in our lifetime! Stay Safe.

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©Freba Pottery 2023
Freba Pottery
Yellowhead Highway, Near Wynyard SK

PO Box 1657 

Wynyard,  SK     S0A 4T0

EM   PH 306-962-7600
A Website Design by Prairie Rising
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